Thursday, April 29, 2010

Talbot Bound

If all goes well, I will be headed to Talbot School of Theology (at Biola University) this fall as associate professor of New Testament. After a very rigorous (but enjoyable) interview process, the Talbot faculty committee recommended me for the position to the Biola President and Board. If their approval is granted, we will be moving to Southern California this summer as soon as our house sells. We will really miss Hawaii, and I will miss my students at Pac Rim, but overall we are very excited about the coming changes.

I received my M.Div. from Talbot, and I was an adjunct professor there while I was doing my Ph.D. work at Fuller. I am excited about the prospect of joining a faculty team that I have highly respected since I was a student. We are all looking forward to living near my wife's family. For our younger children, the best thing about the move is that we will live near Disneyland!


  1. Congrats. As a Talbot alum, I am envious.

  2. Awesome! Will you be teaching any exegesis too?

  3. Thanks for the congratulations! I will be teaching mostly at the new Talbot extension in Orange County. This fall I am teaching Hermeneutics and Greek; in later semesters I will likely teach NT Survey, Intro to Exegesis, Exegesis in the Gospels, and an elective on the Gospel of John.

    The hard part now is the move - trying to sell our house in Mililani and buy one in So Cal before August.

  4. Hey Gary, congrats!
    If you guys still need a Realtor in So Cal, I'd love to help! We can find ya something by August!

  5. Gary - I only just realized that you are the author of "Echoes of a Prophet" - is this correct? I have a brief synopsis of your book in my lit survey in my own dissertation. I thought your named seemed familiar!

  6. Hi Phillip. Yes, that's me! The famous author of the NY Times bestseller Echoes of a Prophet!

    OK, maybe not so famous, but I am among the top 3,462,903 authors on Amazon :).

    What was your dissertation about?

  7. John, thanks for the offer to help. We do already have a realtor, a family friend. Actually, I just got back from a house-hunting trip, and it looks like we will buy a place in La Habra.

  8. Messianic Banquet Imagery in the Synoptic Gospels. I ran across your book since I was working on allusions to the HB, something Johannine scholars have worked on much more than Synoptic scholars. My point taken from your book was that NT writers do not have to use a text in exactly the same way as other STP writers. My chair was more or less insistent on drawing straight lines from the HB through the STP literature to the NT, I wanted to argue that Jesus / the Synoptic writers were just as creative in their allusions as other STP writers. In this you were helpful.

    I hope someday to break the 4 million mark on Amazon .


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