Friday, April 11, 2008

Josiah Sermon - correction

I know a few of you were planning on hearing me preach this weekend. There is a correction to my preaching times. I will preach at 7:45 am at our Waikele site, and then at 10:00 am at our Mililani site. You can get directions to both sites at our church website.

Note: The podcast is now available at the above website.


  1. That was a bomb sermon today, Gary.
    Totally loved it, wish I brought more people to listen.
    I had written a score down for you but when I was about to hold it up you started praying and then you walked off stage. haha.
    If you're lucky you'll receive my score later.
    Stay fierce.
    - Justin

  2. Thanks, Justin! It was great to see you at the early service.

    Translation for folks over 30: "bomb" now means "good" - the opposite of what it meant 20 years ago :).


  3. Where's all the updates?!
    I'm feeling deprived!!!!
    AHAHA...I joke. I know you are a busy man.

    By the way, the score I gave you was a 9.85.
    I knew you wouldn't accept a 10 from me because that would imply that you were perfect; and even though you are pretty darn close, I can't claim perfection on you because that would give you no room for improvement. :)

    Although, like I said, your sermon was fierce and I was impressed like WHOA!
    You're so beast, Gary!
    I love it!

    - Justin


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